Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I feel like I have nothing to really say...

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Hi, I'm here to update since I haven't updated in a while...and at the same time...I feel like I have nothing to really say. Well, just when I thought winter was coming to an end and all the snow had melted...we got slammed (yet again) with another snow storm...canceling school and most local businesses yesterday. As much as having the extra day off today was super busy at work...trying to catch up since we lost a day. I was supposed to have a family dinner here tonight, but we had to reschedule for Thursday night at 6pm because Bob is sick as a dog and we didn't want anyone else sick and Bob wasn't up for company tonight. March is one of those months that seems to go on forever and holiday's just st.patty's day, and the start of spring (which I can't wait for!!) I have decided that I am going on a diet, and I am going to go walking again, and try to make me more healthy...because I want to have more energy and I want to be happier with that is my goal...and with the warm weather approaching it'll make this goal a lot easier! I am also working more on two other things...1st photography because I am working on putting together a portfolio with my best photo's and 2nd my music...I am working on writing more songs and am I also working on learning my electric guitar and key board more. So ya, I think that's about it for now...I will talk again later my friends! :)
